What does ClickCambridge offer?
ClickCambridge is an exciting outreach programme designed to support Bangladeshi, Pakistani, and Arab (BPA)/mixed-BPA students to prepare for Sixth Form and university-level study. The programme is completely free of charge.
Eligible students from state (non fee-paying) schools can join the programme in Year 11 (England and Wales), S4 (Scotland), or Year 12 (Northern Ireland). The programme will begin with a series of interactive webinars held between January-March 2025. Topics will include making post-16 subject choices, study skills, and preparing for university. Sessions will feature insights from current BPA Cambridge students.
Students can also apply to attend a one-night residential at the University of Cambridge in August 2025. The residential is completely free of charge, including travel, accommodation, food, and all activities. Students will visit Cambridge Colleges and departments, explore the city centre with current Student Ambassadors, and engage in activities with other ClickCambridge participants. Places on the residential are limited. Students do not have to attend the residential to participate in the online portions of the ClickCambridge programme.
ClickCambridge will continue to support participants during Year 12, by offering a further series of online webinars to guide participants through the stages of the university application process. Current Cambridge BPA students will also share their own insights and experiences.
Complete the application form by 10 January 2025.
If you have any questions, contact clickcambridge@gmail.com

What will the programme look like?
The programme for ClickCambridge in 2025 will cover a wide range of topics, including A Level Choices, study skills, and an university admissions. Students have the option to apply for a one-night residential in August 2025 to meet other BPA students and experience life in Cambridge. The programme will continue into Year 12 to support students through the UCAS application process.
How will the online sessions work?
Sessions will be held on Zoom.
Sessions will take place on weekdays after school. Dates and further information will be made available once your place on the programme is confirmed. Students are expected to attend as many sessions as possible throughout the year, and to watch recordings for any sessions they are not able to attend live.
What is the time commitment involved?
You will attend a one-hour webinar each fortnight (or watch the recording if you're not available). During the sessions, we may share recommended resources and activities to work on in your own time.
What are the eligibility criteria?
We would like to support as many Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Arab (BPA)/mixed BPA Year 11 (S4/ Y12 N.I.) students as possible through the programme. However, if the programme is oversubscribed, we will prioritise students who match one or more of the following criteria:
Have lived, or are currently living, in local authority care
Are attending a UK state school
Are eligible, or have been eligible within the past six years, for free school meals
Are a refugee
Have caring responsibilities for a family member
Live in neighbourhoods with low overall progression rates to higher education
Have no parental history of higher education
Have a disability

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