What does ClickCambridge offer?
For UK-domiciled Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Arab (BPA)/mixed BPA students
University Application Advice
Q+A with Current Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Arab Students
Information on Student Finance
Smart and Successful Studying
Thinking Like a University Student and Subject Taster sessions.
After University
Careers and Life after Graduation.
What will the programme look like?
The programme for ClickCambridge in 2024 will cover a wide range of topics, including university admissions, insights from current BPA undergraduates, and study skills workshops. You can explore the whole programme for the year by navigating under the 'more' button at the top of the page.
How will the sessions work?
Sessions will be held over Zoom Webinar.
Sessions will take place on weekdays after school and they will be run several times so that as many people as possible can attend. Dates and further information will be made available once your place on the programme is confirmed.
Students are expected to attend as many sessions as possible throughout the year, and to watch recordings for any sessions they are not able to attend live.
What is the time commitment involved?
You will attend one hour's webinar each fortnight (or watch the recording if you're not available). On top of that, we ask that you undertake some independent research, reading or activity in a subject that interests you. This is what we call 'supercurricular' activity and will be valuable as you prepare your university application. More details on this will be shared with participants in the first session.
Eligibility Criteria
We would like to support as many Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Arab (BPA)/mixed BPA Year 11 (S4/ Y12 N.I.) students as possible through the programme. However, if the programme is oversubscribed, we will prioritise students who match one or more of the following criteria:
Have lived, or are currently living, in local authority care
Are attending a UK state school
Are eligible, or have been eligible within the past six years, for free school meals
Are a refugee
Have caring responsibilities for a family member
Live in neighbourhoods with low overall progression rates to higher education
Have no parental history of higher education
Have a disability